37 Brilliant Ideas for a Wedding in a Beach

A wedding in a beach would be nice, something to try for sure…”but too complicated”? Wrong! This must be the easiest and yet funniest way to get married. Pick a beach, gather some family and friends, choose that wavy gown you’ve always wanted and it’s done!

If you’re the queen of details, don’t worry about it; we’ve got your back. Cushions will bring some comfort if you want to sit on the ground, if not, we gathered some ideas of how to display chairs, either in the traditional way, or forming a circle around the couple. Centerpieces are a must and there’s nothing easier that using some sand, candles and seashells to décor accordingly, as you’ll see in the gallery.

Another cute detail are the photographs; either if you’re looking for ideas of what type of pictures to take with the groom/bride, there are also hints of what to do with your guests, pretty funny ones in fact.

All in all, we focused on a variety of décor items, necessities, seating places to assist the ceremony, and even DIY altars and arches, between many others, firstly to help you demystify that idea of a wedding in a beach being something too out of the box and complicated. Secondly…because there’s nothing more pleasurable as feeling your feet stepping on sand, feeling the breeze from the ocean, being surrounded by your loved ones and newly husband, celebrating until the sun goes down.

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